Pittsburgh readers of this blog have likely not been able to escape news of one of the country’s latest celebrity divorces: the split between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. In latest news, many are impressed by the speed in which this former couple settled their divorce. While this is nearly unheard of in celebrity divorces, this sort of quick divorce settlement is a growing trend among divorcing couples.
The benefits of avoiding long, drawn-out divorce battles aren’t difficult to see. Primarily, it’s much less stressful to the couple making the split. When couples can agree and discuss peacefully their settlement, and end the process quickly, they are able to move on. This means less emotional strain for the former spouses, and allows any involved children to transition into their new family lives much easier as well.
Moving on into a new life quicker, as well, minimizes emotional stress. Couples divorce for a reason, and the freedom that comes in post-divorce is what many of these individuals are seeking. Being able to move on quickly and with as little pain as possible can keep one out of the negative emotions divorce proceedings can bring out and into the recovery that can follow.
Other benefits to getting through a divorce settlement include money and court costs, as may be obvious to many Pittsburgh couples who are considering or have gone through divorce. Whether former spouses hold a lot of angry feelings or feel they are able to interact peacefully through the divorce process, they can all benefit from attempting to work together with fewer battles. This doesn’t mean that a couple should zip through their divorce process simply to be done with it, but that taking the time to minimize conflict can make the process much easier.
Source: The Huffington Post, “Make Divorce Settlement Not War,” Lois Tartar, July 18, 2012