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Heavy drinking more likely to cause a Pennsylvania divorce

by | Feb 15, 2013 | Divorce

Understandably, living with a person who drinks to excess is stressful. That is as true in Pennsylvania as it is anyplace else in our country. It may come as little surprise that heavy drinking and divorce appear to go hand in hand. Reports of a study that was carried out over a number of years appear to confirm that conception.

The study followed the marriages of nearly 20,000 married couples over a period of 15 years. At the outset, the spouses responded to a number of questions about their drinking habits and emotional turmoil. As the study progressed, records were kept of the couples that divorced.

The results confirmed a correlation between drinking and divorce. In marriages where one spouse drank heavily, divorce was more likely. Indeed, divorce was even more common in marriages where the wife was the heavy drinker. It was suggested that men may be more willing to leave a marriage where a wife was drinking to excess than a woman in similar circumstances.

Problems with alcohol bring a special mix of issues to a marriage, whether in Pennsylvania or elsewhere. While those planning to marry may want to take notice of their partner’s drinking habits, those already married must figure out what is best for them when problems develop. Some will undoubtedly choose divorce, and they may take comfort in knowing they do not have to face these difficult issues alone. The right advice and support system may go a long ways toward providing assistance at a time when it is needed and also ensure that a fair and complete settlement of all marital issues is achieved.

Source: LiveScience.com, “Heavy Drinking Raises Risk of Divorce,” Stephanie Pappas, Feb. 5, 2013