It doesn’t matter who you are or how much money you make. Many people get behind in their child support payments, including celebrities, politicians and sports figures. Pennsylvania baseball fans may remember the name Danny Tartabull who is one of those former sports figures that has gotten behind on his child support.
However, his problems with making his child support payments didn’t just start recently. A couple of years ago, in Jan. 2011, Tartabull pleaded no contest to charges surrounding non-payment of his child support obligations. Last May, it was determined that he had violated the terms of his probation and was supposed to serve 180 days behind bars. Tartabull failed to turn himself in as ordered.
Since that time, an arrest warrant was issued with a $200,000 bond attached. Tartabull owes over $276,000 in back child support for his two sons. At last count, Tartabull had made somewhere in the neighborhood of $33 million during his career. It is not known what kind of financial issues he has had outside of not being able to pay his child support.
Many in Pennsylvania can empathize with Tartabull. There are times when it is difficult to make child support payments and as the problem grows, so can the hopelessness of being able to correct it. No one would say that it isn’t important to take care of children financially, and letting the problem get out of control is not recommended. However, it may be possible to work out an arrangement that can get a noncustodial parent back on track with his or her child support payments that will help support the children while chipping away at delinquent payments.
Source:, “Former Royal Danny Tartabull owes $276,000 in child support,” July 11, 2013