Custodial parents in Pennsylvania often require child support to provide a stable life for their child and guarantee that necessities are available. When financial obligations are not met by the responsible party, a parent may question his or her ability to collect and provide for the children. Facebook and other online social media outlets may have the ability to reveal if a parent is able to uphold their child support responsibility or if they are simply choosing not to do so.
A recent report revealed the actions of a non-custodial parent responsible for providing child support to his young son, who has also purportedly met only the minimum requirements to avoid jail time. The custodial parent of the little boy claims to have received a bare minimum of $189 total in the three years of the child’s life. What makes the support dilemma difficult for the child and his mother is his ongoing battle with leukemia. The cost of care for a young child with cancer can be astronomical.
Although the father has failed to provide support to his son through the medical expenses and cancer treatments, reports claim that the man has placed information online about his income. The father reportedly made public statements about high-income earnings on his Facebook profile. The information shared by the man online has contributed to the felony charges he is now facing for not providing child support when capable.
A Pennsylvania parent may feel anger and injustice when discovering that the non-custodial parent is not providing financial assistance when they are able. Reports indicate that Facebook and other social media may help some families who have not received their court-determined child support to investigate and petition for the money that is owed. Some adults may seek out professional help to gain information about a non-custodial parent who has become delinquent with support payments.
Source:, “Parents not paying child support get busted because of Facebook posts“, , July 18, 2014