Divorced parents in Pennsylvania know there can be many stressors before, during and after the divorce is final. One of the headaches for either parent is often the paying and receiving of child support. So many times, the non-custodial parent is blamed for not providing the child support amount that was accepted by the court. A recent report shows the blame may not always lie with the parent who has been designated to supply financial support.
One mother is struggling to not only pay her bills but to provide some extras for her daughter because she is not receiving the bi-monthly support she needs from the girl’s father. She realizes, however, that it is not his fault but that of his employer. For the last several months, the money has been getting to her later than it is supposed to, causing her to play catch-up with her bills.
Her ex works as a city employee, and she says she sees his pay stubs, so she knows the money is taken out of his pay every two weeks. The mayor has looked into the matter and claims when they take the money from the pay, it is then sent to the state to distribute. As far as he knows, no one else has had this problem in the past several years. A spokesperson for the human resources department stated she should be able to view the status of any payments due to her on their website.
The collection of child support has been an issue for many custodial parents. A divorced parent sometimes has substantial difficulties making ends meet without that payment. Pennsylvania parents who are having a hard time getting the financial support they require may need the services of a professional who will work to get them the money that will help in the care of their children.
Source: www.wbrc.com, “Woman claims Fairfield financial woes affecting child support payments“, Ronda Robinson, July 18, 2016