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No child support from father for nearly 20 years

A regular support payment is vital to the well-being of the children for most Pennsylvania custodial parents. Some of those who have had trouble collecting the court-ordered amount have seen firsthand the financial problems that can ensue when the money does not come in. One father went to great lengths to get out of paying child support for his four children.

When the man and his wife divorced nearly 30 years ago, he claimed he was disabled and did not have a job. His court-ordered support payments of $100 each month was lowered to only $14. Seven years later, he sold an internet business for over $2 million, and his support payments were raised again to reflect his new-found wealth. He left the country and changed his name to avoid paying the money.

After nearly 20 years on the run, the man was deported and arraigned in a federal court after authorities were notified via a tip from a restaurant owner near where the man was living. He pleaded guilty to the charges against him. He owes over $500,000 in outstanding support payments.

Both parents have the responsibility of financially providing for their children. When the non-custodial parent does not pay the child support amount ordered by the court, he or she may experience such penalties as wage garnishments, the interception of any income tax refunds, or the suspension or revocation of the driver’s license. Attorneys who have experience with family law in the state of Pennsylvania are available to help custodial parents who may be having trouble getting the money they are owed by their exes.

Source: mlive.com, “‘Most Wanted Deadbeat’ pleads guilty to $559,000 child support bill“, Emily Monacelli, May 7, 2018