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New bill could give more divorced fathers equal custody

by | Aug 28, 2019 | Uncategorized

As a father, your child is one of your top priorities. If you go through a divorce, you want to make sure that you keep your child in your life. But numbers show that courts are more likely to grant your child’s mother more custody time.

In Pennsylvania, fathers receive only about 28% of custody time with mothers getting about 72%. For fathers, this is lower than the rate nationwide, where fathers get about 35% custody. A new bill proposed in Pennsylvania hopes to make that split closer to 50-50.

New bill would require reasoning for uneven custody split

The bill would require judges to give adequate reasoning if they don’t grant a 50-50 custody split. The reasoning could include things like abuse or neglect. But without adequate reasoning, any custody battle that goes to court would end up in an equal split between both parents.

Fathers struggle to get custody in court

Many fathers have embraced this legislation as an important part of the father’s rights movement. Several fathers face frustrating court battles with custody. They often don’t get to see their children for extended periods of time. And when they do get to visit, many feel the time they have with their children is far too short.

You deserve an equal share of custody

As you and your spouse go through divorce, you should consider your child’s best interests when deciding on custody. You may be able to work out a custody arrangement without going to court. But if you and your spouse disagree on splitting custody, a judge will decide. As the father, you deserve an equal share of custody.

If the bill passes, the judge will have to see it that way too.