More people file for divorce in January than any other month. There are a couple of reasons that marriages in Pittsburg and across the country tend to end in this month as opposed to the others. In many cases, unhappy spouses wait to file for divorce until after the holidays to allow their children to end the year with happy memories. For others, divorce may be part of their New Year’s resolutions.
Families often have holiday traditions, and parents may want to continue these for as long as possible. Holidays are typically happy times, so informing children, even if they are adults, that their parents are getting divorced could cast a shadow on the holiday season for years to come. Therefore, parents may wait until after the celebrations have ended to get in touch with an attorney to start the divorce process.
January is a time for resolutions and new beginnings. Someone who has spent a large part of the year contemplating divorce may decide that January is the best time for them to file. Starting the divorce process early in the year typically means that it will be finalized before the year ends. By taking some of the slow time at the end of the year to do research and gather documents, those who are serious about ending their marriages could have everything they need to get started after the new year begins.
No matter which month a person files for divorce, it’s important to seek the advice of an experienced attorney. An attorney may give their client guidance regarding property division, child custody and spousal support. Depending on the circumstances, including whether the couple has minor children, a business or real estate, the process could take some time, so it’s important to consult a legal professional sooner rather than later.