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Husband of Geena Davis wants divorce

by | May 17, 2018 | Divorce

There are many things that bring heartache to a person these days, but one of the worst can be a divorce. Pennsylvania couples who have decided to end their marriage often have a hard time telling their family and friends about their decision. Celebrity couples, however, often have a hard time keeping their divorce news to only friends and family. Yet another long-time celebrity marriage is ending.

Geena Davis and her husband, neurologist Reza Jarrahy, have decided to end their relationship. The two had been married just over 16 years before they separated six months ago. Jarrahy has recently filed for the dissolution of their marriage, citing irreconcilable differences.

The couple has three children, a 16-year-old girl and twin 13-year-old boys for whom Jarrahy is requesting the parents share both legal and physical custody. He also has asked the judge to not allow Davis to seek spousal support, yet it is on his list of requirements for himself. This is the fourth marriage for Davis.

Whether a person is going through his or her first divorce or whether there have been several, very seldom is the process the same. It may be similar, but there are usually differences such as the value of assets, the level of debt, child support and custody arrangements that make the situation unique. Even if the same attorney is used, his or her approach in using current circumstances while coming to an acceptable agreement between both parties will be different. A Pennsylvania divorce attorney has the experience to meet the exact needs a client may require.

Source: people.com, “Geena Davis’ Husband Reza Jarrahy Files for Divorce“, Karen Mizoguchi, May 8, 2018