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Family Law Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Family law can be complicated to navigate alone. That is why Sweeney Law Offices, LLC is here to help. When you have questions, our attorneys are here with answers.

Below are just some of the answers to the family law questions we hear most often. For answers to more specific questions on your case, schedule an initial consultation in our Cranberrry Township office, conveniently located just north of downtown Pittsburgh.

How Long Does It Take To Get A Divorce?

Once you file your complaint in Pennsylvania, there is a 90-day waiting period before you can continue with your divorce. If both parties agree to the terms, you may be able to finalize the divorce shortly after this 90-day period. Some divorces, however, can take years to resolve. Our job as your family lawyer is to get efficient and effective results, so you can move forward with your life as quickly as possible.

How Are Assets Divided During A Divorce?

Pennsylvania divides property and assets according to a process known as equitable division. If your case makes it to trial, a family court judge will determine the most fair way to divide the marital estate between both parties.

Equitable, however, doesn’t necessarily mean equal. In cases where one spouse contributed more time or money to the marital estate, they may be entitled to a larger portion of the assets. This is just one reason why it’s crucial to have an experienced family law attorney by your side.

Can I Move Out Of State With My Child After A Divorce?

Pennsylvania does not allow you to simply relocate with your child after your divorce, as this will significantly impact your child custody agreement and the upbringing of your child. In order to move out of state or a far distance within the state, you must either receive consent from the other parent or explicit permission from the court.

Does My Child Have A Say In Which Parent Receives Custody?

While your child does not get a final say, your child’s opinion on the matter may be taken into account when determining the terms of your child custody arrangement. There are many other factors at play, however, and the judge will always make their decision based on what is best for the child (which may be different from what they prefer).