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Seminar helps men with child support and other parenting issues

by | Oct 21, 2015 | Family Law

Many fathers who no longer live with their children because of divorce want to do all they can to provide for the ones they love. Some may fall behind on their child support payments because of hard times, but they do their best to make up for it when they can. Pennsylvania fathers in this predicament may be interested to learn of a tool another state uses to help men, not only as they try to provide beneficial child support but also to be the most effective fathers for their children.

A major city in the state sponsors a Fatherhood Summit each year. Around 1,000 men attend the free event that has been provided for the past 10 years. It has been set up to not only make the men better fathers but better citizens and role models. A county official stated the program is valuable in keeping crime down, and it boosts the economy and the employment rates.

The summit not only helps fathers in attendance with any child support problems they may have, it also has people available to help with a variety of issues, including when these men need jobs. One father interviewed had attended two years and had come to get help with some outstanding traffic tickets in order to be able to retain his driver’s license. He wanted to do everything he could that would help him stay close to his daughter.

Numerous custodial parents who do not receive any child support have a hard time making ends meet, much less providing extras for their children. Not only do children need financial support, but the love and time from the non-custodial parent is so important to their emotional well-being. Pennsylvania non-custodial parents who need assistance may want to speak to someone who will guide them as they seek to have the best relationship with their children they can have.

Source: fox6now.com, ““I know what it’s like to be behind:” Milwaukee’s Fatherhood Summit provides support, resources for dads“, Deandra Corinthios, Oct. 16, 2015