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Mother of Paul George’s daughter seeks sole custody

Pennsylvania NBA fans may be aware that Paul George currently has some domestic issues he is working through. A woman who claims that he is the father of her daughter is seeking sole custody of the child. First, before any custody issues can be resolved, it will be necessary for the court to determine if George is the father of the child since the pair is not married.

Reports claim that the pair had a paternity test done while the woman was still pregnant. The test is said to have confirmed that, with a 99.9 percent certainty, George is the father. Further, it is believed he provided financial support to the mother during her pregnancy. To his credit, George has not denied being the father of the child. He says that once a court determines he is the father, he will willingly accept responsibility for his daughter.

The Indiana Pacers player expressed that he believes his case may be receiving public attention because it is not normal for an athlete to readily accept responsibility for a child when he is not married to the mother. As for why the mother is requesting that she have primary custody of the child, she says the basketball player’s schedule keeps him on the road for a significant amount of time. Therefore, she asserts that he may not be able to provide the girl with a stable home environment.

Sometimes, one Pennsylvania parent’s circumstances preclude him or her from being the best choice to receive sole custody of a couple’s child or children. Many people’s employment takes them away from home on a consistent basis, which could interfere with the ability to provide a stable and secure home for the children. This is in no way a reflection on that person’s ability to love and support a child, it is simply a matter of what may work better in the best interests of the child. Nevertheless, each child custody case is unique and must be resolved based upon its own particular facts and circumstances.

Source: indystar.com, “Woman seeks sole custody of child she said was fathered by Pacers’ Paul George“, , June 24, 2014