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Woman’s husband owes her 10 years of child support

A woman has been trying to get her ex-husband to pay her what he owes her for about 10 years now. After the couple first parted ways, she tried to work things out without involving the courts. Like many Pennsylvania parents, when her ex-husband consistently refused to pay her, she went to her local Child Support Enforcement office for help.

With the agency’s help, the woman was awarded $556 per month in child support. Despite the court order, her former husband has only made eight payments that equal a little over $1,700. As of the time of this writing, he owes her approximately $100,000 in unpaid child support.

Even though Child Support Enforcement had his wages garnished and took his driver’s license, the man, who left their home state, still refuses to pay. The next step would be to have the man put in jail. However, since he lives in another state, things are more complicated. Getting interstate cooperation happens all of the time, but it can take a long time as well.

This 10 year battle has left this mother frustrated and discouraged. The Child Support Enforcement office is overworked and understaffed; it could be a long time before they are able to do anything further to attempt to get her children’s father to pay. Pennsylvania parents that are in the same predicament may want to consult a professional. There may be additional ways to get to a parent that isn’t meeting his or her financial obligations that don’t rely on the Child Support Enforcement office.

Source: fox21news.com, “Springs mom speaks out against ex, child support system,” Rachel Welte, May 21, 2013