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Co-parenting and cooperation: Do what’s right for your children

Divorce is hard enough when you don’t have children with your ex-spouse. However, when you add children into the mix, there’s another layer of challenges that you’re sure to face.

For example, if you have young children, such as those who are less than 10 years old, they’ll have a variety of questions about why you’re divorcing and the impact it will have on their future.

Once the divorce process is behind you, it’s time to turn your focus to co-parenting. Since you’re doing this alongside your ex, there’s something you must always remember: Your personal relationship or lack thereof should not get in the way of raising your children together in the best manner possible.

When both parents are dedicated to the co-parenting process, which means an honest effort to cooperate, it’s much easier to proceed with less stress.

Here are some tips that will help you cooperate and stay on the same page as your ex:

  • Understand your parenting agreement: This outlines the responsibilities and legal rights of both parents post-divorce. For example, you may have physical custody of your children, while your ex has visitation rights.
  • Find a way to effectively communicate: Many people struggle with co-parenting because they don’t have a way to communicate with their ex. They try to do so face to face, but soon find that it’s not working. You must consider all your options, which includes email and text messaging. This allows you to communicate without the tension of a face-to-face setting.
  • Always do what’s best for your children: Rather than make decisions with your best interests in mind, put your children front and center. When both of you put them first, it’s easier for them to settle into their new life.

There’s a lot that goes into effective co-parenting, with the word “cooperation” driving almost everything you do. If you’re able to work toward the greater good, which is raising your children in the appropriate manner, everyone will find themselves in a better spot.

Should your ex-spouse continually fight back, such as by violating your parenting agreement, you may have no choice but to take action by seeking a modification.