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Don’t get the blues over your divorce

by | Dec 18, 2020 | Divorce

Especially around the holidays, being in the throes of a divorce can be downright depressing. It’s understandable for you to feels as if the wind has been knocked out of your sails. But it’s also important to realize that there are advantages to being divorced.

If you’re struggling to see the upside of your situation, these reminders might make it a bit easier to find that silver lining.

  • You will be free to embrace what you want to do with your life. You no longer will have to turn down every opportunity to meet for drinks with friends after work. You can go back to school for that advanced degree or take up Tae Kwon Do. You don’t need anyone’s permission or agreement any longer.
  • You have a second shot at happiness. It’s true that your marriage didn’t go the distance as you both once hoped. But that doesn’t condemn you to a life of living single (unless that’s what you want). You have the chance to meet someone with whom you’re truly compatible.
  • You can reconnect with old friends — or make some new ones. Some people find that divorce is their exit from stifling marriages where they were discouraged from maintaining ties with close friends or even relatives. Enjoy meeting and gathering with those with whom you want to spend more time.
  • You can develop a better relationship with your ex as a co-parent. Before you divorced, it’s likely that you fought a great deal — or simply shut down. Now, you can rediscover the traits about one another that initially attracted you without the weight of your marriage crushing your friendship.

If you truly are depressed and not merely blue, ask your primary care physician or your family law attorney for a referral to a counselor for a few sessions to help you get back on your feet after your divorce.