Divorced parents in Pennsylvania who have problems obtaining the child support payments rightfully due to their children from the paying parent know how difficult this process can be sometimes. It can be even more difficult to obtain this often relied-upon child...
Let Our Family Help Your Family
Month: March 2012
Illegal immigrants face loss of child custody when detained
The Applied Research Center reports that as of 2011, nearly 5,100 children in 22 states across the U.S. were in foster care as a result of their parents being either detained or deported on illegal immigration charges. In many of these cases, the parents had their...
Child support affected by changing paternity standards?
It has been customary that in child support disputes, a biological parent is the one that is typically pursued to make payments. However, sometimes this role is filled by the "psychological" parent, deemed to be an individual that the child has known in a parental...
Baby boomer divorce is booming in Pennsylvania and nationwide
Divorce rates are growing among baby boomers in Pennsylvania and elsewhere as more people are reaching the ages of 50 and older. For this demographic group, the rate of divorce has doubled in the last two decades, despite a general decline in national divorce rates...
Smoking could change your custody agreement
If you had a new year's resolution to quit smoking, it might be a good idea to follow through with it if you are in the midst of a divorce and fighting for custody of your children. Going through a divorce is tough enough, but now custody and visitation of your...