After a divorce, it’s normal for you to want to have a good relationship with your children. Most courts and attorneys will initially suggest and encourage shared custody agreements because it’s important that you have the opportunity to see your child as much as you can. It’s good for them, and it’s good for you, too.
If you are in a situation where you want to take on more custody or want to fight to keep primary custody, then it’s necessary for you to show the court why you want that arrangement in a clear, concise manner. For example, if you work from home, you may be in a fantastic position to have primary custody so that your ex-spouse can work throughout the week without having to worry about getting your kids ready for school or dealing with their afterschool activities.
On the other hand, if your ex-spouse wants to be present, it could be hard to fight for primary custody unless you can show good reasoning for limiting their time with your children. For instance, showing that there were missed visitation days or times when your spouse was unavailable to pick up your children when they were sick at school could help support your case.
As a mother, you know that custody is not guaranteed. You and your children’s father both have a right to see your children (under normal circumstances), so it’s essential that you do fight for a fair custody schedule. If your spouse is arguing for primary custody or is trying to limit your access to your children, you deserve a chance to negotiate and fight back in court if necessary.