Parents in Pennsylvania who are primary custodians often struggle financially without a monthly child support payment from their ex. The amount of child support is determined differently in each state, using a variety of factors. One businessman is expected to pay...
Let Our Family Help Your Family
Month: March 2018
Indian Child Welfare Act a factor in child custody case
Some Pennsylvania child custody decisions are not made without encountering some type of hiccup along the way. What can begin as a mutual decision between the parties can sometimes end up as a drawn-out child custody war. That is the case for the foster parents of a...
Mother had to fight state in child custody dispute
It is the job of a Pennsylvania's child welfare caseworker to take a child from a home when there is perceived danger within that home. Should that happen, the parents of the child are often in for a difficult child custody battle against the state to have their...
Child custody case over sports injury may go to trial
Football is among the most popular sports in the country, but with more studies showing neurological and cognitive damage that plague former players later in life, some parents are fearing the sport is too hazardous for their children. This has been a subject that has...
Kevin Federline wants child support revision with Britney Spears
Pennsylvania readers have not seen much in the news about Britney Spears since her infamous breakdown in 2007, but she is making minor headlines now, thanks to her ex-husband, Kevin Federline. The couple had two boys during their three-year marriage, and Britney has...