When two parents decide to no longer live together and the court is petitioned to decide which parent gets primary child custody, more often than not it will go to the mother. In cases where the separation is less than amicable, there are times that the father is...
Let Our Family Help Your Family
Month: January 2016
Child support not a current problem for pro football player
Non-custodial parents who fail to provide any or enough child support seem to be never-ending problems for both custodial parents and the children concerned. Pennsylvania fathers may be glad they are not in the same child support situation as professional football...
Grandmother is pursuing legal custody of four grandchildren
Grandparents who are choosing to pursue legal custody of their grandchildren have been topics of increasing significance in the past few years. Pennsylvania residents may be interested in a study conducted a few years ago that showed the number of children living with...
Happy ending in child custody battle
Pennsylvania residents may think of warring spouses when the subject of child custody cases is introduced. However, a recent child custody case was not the typical news-grabbing headline of two high-profile celebrities. Rather, an 11-year-old girl celebrated the end...