Regardless of what happens in a relationship between two people, if they have children together, they will likely always be connected. When a Pennsylvania marriage ends, the feelings of anger, resentment and hurt do not usually go away overnight, which can cause additional stress on the children as the divorce proceeds. Fortunately, the parents can use the process to their advantage.
The negotiation process can help a couple foster the cooperative spirit needed in order to co-parent. The parties may need to compromise on issues, which is — undoubtedly — a valuable skill for parents. Coming to an agreement could also require both individuals to put aside their negative feelings for each other in order to achieve an agreement that is fair and equitable.
Parents can structure a parenting agreement in such a way that the children will receive consistent care and discipline, regardless of which home the children are residing at that particular moment. Not only does this provide the children with the stability they need and deserve, but it also can give each parent the peace of mind that the children perceive neither of them as the “bad guy.” The agreement can also provide the parents with guidelines for dealing with any conflicts that could arise.
Some Pennsylvania couples focus solely on the difficulties they confront in the divorce process. However, these proceedings can be an opportunity for two parents to redefine their relationship in order to continue to effectively parent their children after the divorce is final. This could give the whole family the best possible start to their new lives.
Source: The Huffington Post, “11 Things All Divorced Parents Need To Hear“, Brittany Wong, May 21, 2014