Marriages are not an exact science, and each couple is different. However, there may be some common characteristics indicating whether a couple is more likely to experience a divorce in the future in Pennsylvania. A recently released study shows that how long a couple dates and income play a significant role in predicting if a couple will stay together.
It turns out that waiting to marry may help to keep a marriage together in the future. The study revealed that dating for a minimum of three years can decrease a couple’s likelihood of divorcing by 39 percent. In other words a couple likely benefits by getting to know one another well before tying the knot.
Since money is a common factor in causing a divorce, it makes sense that it will play a significant role in preventing divorce. The study revealed that earning higher income can decrease a couple’s chances of divorcing. If a spouse earns between $50,000 and $75,000 annually, he or she is 39 percent less likely to divorce. If a spouse makes $100,000 per year, he or she is 42 percent less likely to divorce.
On the other hand, not all married couples in Pennsylvania have all of these characteristics which seem to decrease likelihood of divorce. Also, even if a couple does have all of these characteristics, there is still the possibility of a marriage not working out for one reason or another. In that case, it may be time to file a divorce petition in court in order to settle the legal implications of dissolving the marriage knot.
Source: Today, “Four ways to divorce-proof your marriage“, Scott Stump, Oct. 17, 2014