A 42-year-old grandmother who says she was simply taking her grandchildren to visit friends in Pennsylvania with her boyfriend was recently charged with kidnapping. A court in neighboring state apparently denied her child custody request not long before she allegedly took the children to Pennsylvania. However, the woman’s boyfriend said she had the permission of the children’s parents to take the children with her. The children involved include a 1-year-old and a 2-year-old.
The woman had previously applied to gain custody of the children, but the judge refused her request. Not long after, she reportedly left the state with her grandchildren, and a kidnapping alert was issued by the local police department. The boyfriend said the woman did not know the judge had denied her custody request and had no idea police were looking for her.
Apparently, custody of the children by the parents was in question after the children’s older sibling, age 7, told a teacher at school the parents had gotten into an argument at home. Although police were not called at the time, the Department of Children and Families got involved and have maintained communication with the family ever since. The woman claims she has the support of the parents to fight the kidnapping charges against her.
Child custody arguments can become complicated quickly, whether in Pennsylvania or any other state. As the underlying issues are often complex, those seeking custody are best served by carefully preparing for any court proceedings and by documenting the reasons for the request for custody. The court will consider the relevant evidence and strive to reach a decision that is in the best interests of the children involved.
Source: shorenewstoday.com, “Support seen for grandmother charged with kidnapping”, David Benson, Jan. 13, 2015