When two Pennsylvania parents decide to divorce, they may have differing ideas on the stipulations attached to the terms of their separation. Even if they agree on matters of child custody and support or any settlement agreements at the time of the divorce, something could happen later on to necessitate a change in conditions. Such is the case of a tobacco heiress and her soon-to-be ex-husband and an arrangement they agreed upon when they began divorce proceedings.
The two were in family court as the husband was attempting to have a judge rescind the agreement that the couple’s 7-year-old twins not meet dating partners of either spouse until the divorce was final. The husband has a new love interest, a professor at a local university who is seven months pregnant with their child. He would like the twins to meet the woman before she gives birth to their half-sister.
The attorney for the mother fought with allegations of misconduct, claiming her husband had visited a brothel around the same time his girlfriend got pregnant. The judge ruled that the argument was meant to sidetrack the true issue of the court proceeding and sided with the father to overturn the previous passage. He felt it would be best for the twins to be allowed to learn of their new sibling before her birth.
It is not always easy to determine the best paths to choose when coming to agreed-upon terms in a divorce resolution. Having someone with experience in mediating an agreement usually helps things go smoother. Pennsylvania residents who are facing this difficult time in their lives can have that support that is sometimes so greatly needed.
Source: New York Post, “Heiress loses custody battle, accuses ex of going to ‘brothel’“, Lia Eustachewich, July 9, 2016