Making sure a child has everything he or she needs is utmost in most parents' minds. Many Pennsylvania custodial parents count on child support from an ex each month in order to assist in meeting the needs of the child. It is hard to choose sides in the...
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Family Law
Spousal support win for television actor
Other than the emotional strain, Pennsylvania couples going through a divorce may have concerns about their financial future. There is often the fear that child and spousal support may not be enough to make ends meet, especially in circumstances involving costly...
Nonpayment of child support lands father in jail
It takes a lot of money to raise a child these days. Some Pennsylvania parents have no trouble providing for every expense that comes along, but others, especially divorced and single parents receiving no child support, may sometimes have to choose between a...
Man given last chance to pay child support before jail time
Some custodial parents in Pennsylvania know what it is like to not have enough money to meet budgetary requirements. In most cases, this is due to unpaid child support by an ex. A man has recently been given an ultimatum on paying the child support he owes.A 2011...
Former taxi mogul insists he cannot pay child support
After a divorce, the more affluent Pennsylvania parent is expected to provide financially for a child and, often, a former spouse. When that parent refuses, for whatever reason, to make child support payments, he or she may find himself or herself in front of a judge...
Spousal support order for Alicia Silverstone
A familiar way of life comes to an end when a Pennsylvania couple gets a divorce. A shared household, family calendar or bank account can suddenly become complicated when attempting to divide habitual responsibilities. The purpose of child and spousal support is to...
Woman wants child support from ex, now local sheriff
A Pennsylvania woman who raises a child on her own usually has several concerns. One of the most troubling is child support. Some women earn a paycheck that will enable their children to have wants as well as needs, but some do not and need the financial support an ex...
Paternity questions for woman wanting child support
When it comes to paternity and support lawsuits, it often seems that professional athletes and entertainers top the list. The everyday person who denies paternity and refuses to pay child support does not seem to be nearly as newsworthy. Pennsylvania basketball...
Retired NBA player wants adjustment in child support payments
Upon the ending of a marriage, many Pennsylvania parents will attempt to come to an agreement on several financial issues. One of the most important is that of child support. Former NBA player, Matt Barnes, is fighting with his ex-wife, Gloria Govan, in his attempt...
Man faces jail time, fines for nonpayment of child support
Other than the possibility of a child going without essential elements such as food, clothing and medical care, not providing financial support with respect to a child can have personal consequences. A Pennsylvania parent who neglects to pay court-ordered child...